Category: Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act

A major cybersecurity law is expiring soon — and advocates are prepping to push Congress for renewal 

A push is gearing up to renew an expiring 10-year-old cybersecurity law that was viewed at its initial passage as the most significant cybersecurity legislation Congress had ever passed, and that advocates say now fosters several important threat-sharing initiatives. The 2015 Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act provides safeguards for companies that voluntarily share threat intelligence data…

Removal of Cyber Safety Review Board members sparks alarm from cyber pros, key lawmaker

The top Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee and a number of cyber professionals on Wednesday lamented the Trump administration’s decision to purge a cyber incident investigation board of its membership. But the move had some supporters, including the chairman of that same committee. Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Benjamine Huffman issued a…

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