Category: Artificial Intelligence

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Beko Technologies bestätigt Ransomware-Angriff

srcset=” 7360w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 2048w, 1240w, 150w, 854w, 640w, 444w” width=”1024″ height=”576″ sizes=”(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px”>Die Ransomware-Bande Black Basta hat gestohlene Daten von Beko Technologies im Darknet veröffentlicht. – Yuri A – Beko Technologies wurde im Dezember 2024 von Cyberkriminellen erpresst.…

ChatGPT-Lücke ermöglicht DDoS-Attacken

srcset=” 3696w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 2048w, 1240w, 150w, 854w, 640w, 444w” width=”1024″ height=”576″ sizes=”(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px”>Über eine HTTP-Anfrage an die ChatGPT-API können Angreifer eine Zielwebseite mit Tausenden Netzwerkanfragen bombardieren. miss.cabul – Der Sicherheitsforscher Benjamin Flesch hat kürzlich herausgefunden, dass eine Lücke im…

Here are the types of AI companies enterprise VCs want to back in 2025

The AI startup market is sprawling, from companies looking to develop new chips, to those using AI to build robots, to others looking to use AI to create niche solutions for industry-specific workflows. There are a lot of potential areas for venture capitalists to invest in, but there are clearly a few subsectors they are…

Diese Security-Technologien haben ausgedient

Zeit für eine Frischzellenkur? JL_OFF | Sicherheitsentscheidern steht eine ständig wachsende Auswahl von digitalen Tools zur Verfügung, die sie dabei unterstützen, Cyberattacken abzuwehren. Und wie aktuelle Zahlen von Gartner belegen, nutzen sie diese auch ausgiebig: Demnach prognostizieren die Marktforscher für das Jahr 2025 einen Anstieg der Ausgaben für Cybersicherheit um 15 Prozent von 87,5…

DORA-Umsetzung hält Banken-CISOs auf Trab

Finanzunternehmen müssen seit heute die neuen Regeln der EU-Verordnung DORA anwenden. Doch viele kämpfen noch immer mit der Umsetzung. SkazovD – Ab heute am 17. Januar 2025 sind alle EU-Finanzinstitute verpflichtet, den Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) umzusetzen. Die EU-Richtlinie soll dazu beitragen, die Cybersicherheit in der Finanzbranche zu erhöhen. Studien zeigen jedoch, dass…

Biden cyber executive order gets mostly plaudits, but its fate is uncertain

A sweeping executive order on cybersecurity released Thursday won largely positive reviews, with the main question being its timing — and what will come of it with the executive branch set to be handed over from president to president. Chris Inglis, the former national cyber director for Joe Biden who has served under both Democrats…

Nvidia releases more tools and guardrails to nudge enterprises to adopt AI agents

Nvidia is releasing three new NIM microservices, or small independent services that are part of larger applications, to help enterprises bring additional control and safety measures to their AI agents. One of these new NIM services targets content safety and works to prevent an AI agent from generating harmful or biased outputs. Another works to…

International agierende Internetbetrüger geschnappt

Insgesamt waren ca. 150 Polizeikräfte – davon 10 Polizeibeamte des Nürnberger Kriminalfachdezernats 5 – und zwei Staatsanwältinnen sowie zwei IT-Forensiker der ZCB in Deutschland, Rumänien und Österreich im Einsatz. m.mphoto – Die Kripo Nürnberg und die bayerische Zentralstelle Cybercrime melden einen Erfolg im Kampf gegen die organisierte Internet-Kriminalität. Den fünf Tatverdächtigen werden zahlreiche Fälle…

OpenAI is bankrolling Axios’ expansion into four new markets

OpenAI is getting into the local news game. Newsletter-based media organization Axios announced a partnership with OpenAI on Wednesday. As part of this three-year deal, the AI giant will fund Axios’ expansion of its local newsletters into four new cities: Pittsburgh; Kansas City, Missouri; Boulder, Colorado; and Huntsville, Alabama. While OpenAI has inked content-sharing and…

Perfide Ransomware-Attacke gegen AWS-Nutzer

srcset=” 4750w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 2048w, 1240w, 150w, 854w, 640w, 444w” width=”1024″ height=”576″ sizes=”(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px”>Hacker haben kompromittierte AWS-Zugangsdaten genutzt, um S3-Buckets zu verschlüsseln. gguy – Forscher des Sicherheitsanbieters Halcyon haben kürzlich entdeckt, dass Cyberkriminelle den Speicherdienst S3 von Amazon Web Services…

Rockfish is helping enterprises leverage synthetic data

For years, Vyas Sekar would call up Muckai Girish, an old friend from undergrad, to talk through potential startup ideas and get Girish’s opinion. The two usually talked through an idea and ended the conversation at that. When Sekar called Girish with an idea involving synthetic data in early 2022, the conversation didn’t just end…

Biden administration opens up federal land to AI data centers

With less than a week left in office, President Joe Biden is not done leaving his mark on the AI industry. President Biden issued an executive order on Tuesday that will allow private sector AI companies to lease federal sites owned by the Department of Defense and Department of Energy in order to build AI…

Phishing-Klickrate massiv gestiegen

Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr hat die Phishing-Klickrate im Jahr 2024 stark zugenommen. janews – Seit Jahren investieren Unternehmen in Awareness-Programme, um ihre Mitarbeiter darin zu schulen, Phishing-Versuche zu erkennen und zu melden. Laut einem Bericht von Netskope hat sich jedoch die Phishing-Klickrate im Jahr 2024 im Vergleich zum Vorjahr verdreifacht. Der Sicherheitsanbieter stellte auf…

Second Biden cyber executive order directs agency action on fed security, AI, space

A draft cybersecurity executive order would tackle cyber defenses in locations ranging from outer space to the U.S. federal bureaucracy to its contractors, and address security risks embedded in subjects like cybercrime, artificial intelligence and quantum computers. The draft, a copy of which CyberScoop obtained, constitutes one big last stab at cybersecurity in the Biden…

Sicherheitsmängel gefährden DNA-Sequenziergeräte

srcset=” 5283w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 2048w, 1240w, 150w, 854w, 640w, 444w” width=”1024″ height=”576″ sizes=”(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px”>Security-Forscher haben festgestellt, dass bei einem DNA-Sequenziergerät wichtige Sicherheitsfunktionen fehlen. angellodeco – Das DNA-Sequenziergerät iSeq 100 von Illumina  wird von medizinischen Laboren auf der ganzen Welt für…

Payback-CISO: „Vorbereitung ist das A und O“

srcset=” 6016w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 2048w, 1240w, 150w, 854w, 640w, 444w” width=”1024″ height=”576″ sizes=”(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px”>Nawid Sayed, CISO bei Payback: “Um sich vor Cyberattacken zu schützen, gibt es nicht das eine Tool, sondern der Prozess ist hier entscheidend.” Payback Welches Thema ist aus…

VCs say AI companies need proprietary data to stand out from the pack

AI companies across the globe raised more than $100 billion in venture capital dollars in 2024, according to Crunchbase data, an increase of more than 80% compared to 2023. It encompasses nearly a third of the total VC dollars invested in 2024. That’s a lot of money funneling into a lot of AI companies. The…

Software-Lücke bei Kigaroo: Millionen Kita-Daten offen im Netz

srcset=” 6048w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 2048w, 1240w, 150w, 854w, 640w, 444w” width=”1024″ height=”576″ sizes=”(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px”>Die Daten der Kita-Software Kigaroo waren zeitweise offen im Netz verfügbar – auch die Daten von Kindern. Lordn – Der Sicherheitsforscher Florian Hantke hat kürzlich eine Sicherheitslücke…

Google’s Daily Listen AI feature generates a podcast based on your Discover feed

Google is testing a new “Daily Listen” feature that automatically generates a podcast based on your Discover feed. The company confirmed to TechCrunch that Daily Listen is a personalized AI-powered audio experience that is designed to help you stay up to date on the topics you care about.  The feature is currently rolling out on…

Neues Mirai-Botnet zielt auf Industrierouter

Das Botnet Gayfemboy basiert auf der Malware Mirai und zielt auf Industrierouter auf der ganzen Welt. Jaiz Anuar – Security-Analysen zufolge verbreitet sich das auf der berüchtigten Mirai-Malware basierende Botnet Gayfemboy derzeit auf der ganzen Welt. Forscher von Chainxin X Lab stellten fest, dass Cyberkriminelle das Botnet seit November 2024 nutzen, um bislang unbekannte…

The Digital Battlefield: Understanding Modern Cyberattacks and Global Security

Explore the invisible war being fought in cyberspace, where nations battle without traditional weapons. This comprehensive guide explains modern cyberattacks, their impact on global security, and how countries defend their digital borders in an increasingly connected world. The post The Digital Battlefield: Understanding Modern Cyberattacks and Global Security appeared first on Security Boulevard.

The AI Fix #32: Agentic AI, killer robot fridges, and the robosexual revolution

In episode 32 of The AI Fix, our hosts learn the meaning of “poronkusema”, Mark discovers his dream job, a school tries using AI instead of teachers, the “Godfather of AI” says AI will see us as toddlers, and Graham lifts the lid on the hidden threat of killer robot fridges. Mark explains why 2025…

Fermata uses computer vision to detect diseases and pests in plants

When Valeria Kogan started her Ph.D. program in bioinformatics, the scientific field that uses computation and software to analyze biological data, in 2017, she imagined her career would always be within the fields of mathematics, medicine, or biology. But after the first AI boom in the late 2010s, she got an intriguing opportunity in a…

ByteDance appears to be skirting US restrictions to buy Nvidia chips: report

TikTok parent company ByteDance has big plans to buy Nvidia chips in 2025 — despite U.S. restrictions. ByteDance plans to spend $7 billion on the chips in 2025, according to reporting from The Information, citing inside sources. If ByteDance follows through, it will become one of the world’s top owners of Nvidia chips, despite U.S. efforts…

From AI agents to enterprise budgets, 20 VCs share their predictions on enterprise tech in 2025

While AI is lauded by some as the biggest technological breakthrough since the industrial revolution, enterprises — arguably the tech’s biggest potential customer base — have been slow to adopt AI. While some investors predicted that 2024 would be the year we’d start to see more AI adoption by enterprises, that didn’t play out as…

Brauchen Sie einen vCISO?

In komplexen Bedrohungslandschaften sicher bleiben, ohne das (Personal-)Budget zu sprengen? Das vCISO-Konzept stellt das in Aussicht. TippaPatt | In der heutigen Digitallandschaft, die sich in einem steten Wandel befindet, sind versierte Cybersecurity-Führungskräfte wichtiger denn je. Diese müssen heute nicht nur auf Augenhöhe mit aktuellen, technologischen Entwicklungen bleiben, sondern auch potenzielle Schwachstellen identifizieren und neu…

Security-Awareness-Trainings – ein Ratgeber

Wenn Ihre erste Verteidigungslinie fällt, haben Cyberschurken leichtes Spiel. Leremy | Security-Awareness-Schulungen sind für Unternehmen und Organisationen obligatorisch und sollten Teil jeder übergreifenden Cybersecurity-Strategie sein. Zumindest, wenn sämtliche Mitarbeiter möglichst gut über alle relevanten Sicherheitsrisiken aufgeklärt sein und bestmöglich zum Schutz unternehmenskritischer Assets beitragen sollen. Insofern zielen Security-Awareness-Trainings in erster Linie darauf ab, Cyberrisiken…

The AI Fix #30: ChatGPT reveals the devastating truth about Santa (Merry Christmas!)

In episode 30 of The AI Fix, AIs are caught lying to avoid being turned off, Apple’s AI flubs a headline, ChatGPT is available to people who haven’t left the 1970s, our hosts regret to inform you that an AI artist now has a personality, and ant-like robots join forces to lob each other over…

Nvidia clears regulatory hurdle to acquire Run:ai

Chip company Nvidia gets the green light from the European Union to complete its acquisition of Run:ai. The EU came to a unanimous decision today that Nvidia could go ahead with its acquisition of Israeli GPU orchestration platform Run:ai, according to reporting from Bloomberg. The European Commission determined that if the merger went through other…

Instagram teases AI tools for editing appearances, backgrounds in videos using prompts

Instagram head Adam Mosseri is teasing upcoming generative AI features for the social app that will allow creators to “change nearly any aspect” of their videos using text prompts. The editing tools will be powered by Meta’s Movie Gen AI model, and are expected to launch on the social network sometime next year, Mosseri said…

Smashing Security podcast #398: Fake CAPTCHAs, Harmageddon, and Krispy Kreme

This week, we delve into the dark world of fake CAPTCHAs designed to hijack your computer. Plus, the AI safety clock is ticking down – is doomsday closer than we think? And to top it off, we uncover the sticky situation of Krispy Kreme facing a ransomware attack. All this and more is discussed in…

Sehr geehrter CEO,

Mit einem offenen Brief appelliert CISO-Veteran Tyler Farrar an die CEOs dieser Welt. fizkes | Nie stand mehr auf dem Spiel. Jede Woche machen neue Cybersicherheitsvorfälle Schlagzeilen, kosten Millionen, fügen der Reputation von Unternehmen irreparablen Schaden zu und treten neue Wellen der Verunsicherung los, die sich gleichermaßen auf Kunden und Stakeholder auswirken. Die wesentliche…

Microsoft bought nearly 500,000 Nvidia Hopper chips this year

Microsoft bought more than twice as many Nvidia Hopper chips this year than any of its biggest rivals. The tech giant bought 485,000 Nvidia Hopper chips across 2024 according to reporting from the Financial Times, which cited data from tech consultancy Omdia. To compare, Meta bought 224,000 of the same, flagship Nvidia chip this year.…

Salesforce plans to hire 2,000 people to sell its AI products

Cloud software giant Salesforce looks to hire thousands of new sales people to sell its AI tools to customers. The company plans to hire 2,000 new sales representatives, according to CNBC, which cited remarks from CEO Marc Benioff at a company event Tuesday. This doubles the hiring plans that Benioff told Bloomberg last month. Benioff…

The AI Fix #29: AI on OnlyFans, and the bot that wants to be a billionaire

In episode 29 of The AI Fix, an AI company makes the bold step of urging us to “stop hiring humans”, Graham is wrong about GB AI, parents prepare their kids for the imminent Moxie-mageddon, Google releases Gemini 2.0, and a robot is found dead at work and nobody knows why. Graham inspects the AI…

DORA steht vor der Tür

srcset=” 12500w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 2048w, 1240w, 150w, 854w, 640w, 444w” width=”1024″ height=”576″ sizes=”(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px”>DORA soll die Cybersicherheit in der Finanzbranche erhöhen. Vector Image Plus – Ab 17. Januar 2025 sind alle Finanzdienstleister in der EU verpflichtet, den Digital Operational Resilience…

iRobot co-founder’s new home robot startup hopes to raise $30M

Colin Angle, one of the co-founders of Roomba maker iRobot, is raising cash for a home robotics venture. A filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission reveals that Angle’s new company, Familiar Machines & Magic, is trying to raise $30 million. So far, it has raised $15 million from a group of eight investors.…

YouTube will now let creators opt out of third-party AI training

YouTube on Monday announced it will give creators more choice over how third parties can use their content to train their AI models. Starting today, creators and rights holders will be able to flag for YouTube if they’re permitting specific third-party AI companies to train models on the creator’s content. From a new setting within…

YouTube will now let creators opt into third-party AI training

YouTube on Monday announced it will give creators more choice over how third parties can use their content to train their AI models. Starting today, creators and rights holders will be able to flag for YouTube if they’re permitting specific third-party AI companies to train models on the creator’s content. From a new setting within…

Die wichtigsten Cybersecurity-Prognosen für 2025

Der Cybersecurity-Blick auf 2025. Madcat_Madlove – Cyberangriffe auf mehrere deutsche Kliniken oder weltweite IT-Ausfälle durch eine Ransomware-Attacke auf den Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-Anbieter Blue Yonder – das Jahr 2024 war geprägt von zahlreichen Meldungen aus der Cyberwelt. Doch wie sind die Aussichten für das kommende Jahr? Der Security-Anbieter Cybereason hat die wichtigsten Trends und Herausforderungen für…

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