Category: article

The 3 Most Common Misconceptions About Workplace Violence

Learn how to overcome C-suite resistance to investing in workplace violence prevention programs — keeping your business safe and strong Introduction Misconception 1: “Don’t worry, we’ll know it when we see it.” Misconception 2: “We must be doing something right because nothing’s happened yet” Misconception 3: “Incidents of workplace violence start suddenly and are unpredictable.”……

The 3 Most Common Misconceptions About Workplace Violence

Learn how to overcome C-suite resistance to investing in workplace violence prevention programs — keeping your business safe and strong Introduction Misconception 1: “Don’t worry, we’ll know it when we see it.” Misconception 2: “We must be doing something right because nothing’s happened yet” Misconception 3: “Incidents of workplace violence start suddenly and are unpredictable.”……

The 3 Most Common Misconceptions About Workplace Violence

Learn how to overcome C-suite resistance to investing in workplace violence prevention programs — keeping your business safe and strong Introduction Misconception 1: “Don’t worry, we’ll know it when we see it.” Misconception 2: “We must be doing something right because nothing’s happened yet” Misconception 3: “Incidents of workplace violence start suddenly and are unpredictable.”……

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